Monday, August 30, 2010


Gmail alias Google mail boleh undo send.

Mulai hari ini jangan risau salah send lagi :)

>> Undo "Send" in Gmail

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Google?

Hai semua.

Saya mencari-cari Google fact sheet dan saya jumpa ini:

**kredit pada Pingdom untuk gambar di atas

Google memang hebat. Sudah jadi bisnes yang sangat menguntungkan. Tapi apa yang saya nak kongsi ini sangat tak ada kaitan dengan gambar di atas. Sejak belajar dalam kelas Pengurusan Sistem Rangkaian dengan guru yg saya sangat hormati, saya menjadikan Google sebagai 'best friend' nombor 1 saya. Hari ini saya rasa kawan baik saya yang ini boleh jadi lucu. Dan saya rasa sangat lucu, sampai saya menulis entry ini dalam bahasa Melayu. :e

Gambar di bawah berbicara dengan sendiri (self-explanatory)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Intel Dual Core Processor: Core 2 Duo vs Core i3 (new generation)

My head has been playing with the difference between core 2 duo (older) and core i3. Then, I start exploring Intel website and find what i3, i5 i7 are all about.
In this post, I simply compare this two processors. I referred to the site on core 2 duo and core i3 specification. Both are similar in term of processor number (2 cores).

The main differences are the number of threads and cache type.
Older dual core processor doesn't enable thread for each core as compared to current generation such as i3, i5 and i7. Core i3 has the capability to run dual thread on each core, thus total threads number can run in core i3 is 4 threads. Same as goes to other processor in this family, i7 has up to 8 threads can be ran on (each 2 or 4 core).

Core i3 used new smart cache (L3 cache) instead of L2 cache, as defined by Intel:
"Smart Cache is Intel’s performance-maximized data storage, which allows each processor core to dynamically utilize up to 100% of available cache and obtain data from the cache at higher throughput rates"

For gamers, here is a benchmark i found.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fedora: Install & configure Net-SNMP running on IPv6

I've install net-snmp on my fedora machine for 'secret' purpose :P
Here are some basic tutorial but it works for me and perhaps all fedora user. I've experienced some errors if directly install the net-snmp. Thus, I try to install perl first (latest version) before installing and afterwards I didn't face any error to install.

Step 1: Installing Perl from source
Download tar ball (.tar.gz) of the latest version with type (maint) here

login as root, go to directory where the tar ball is located, extract and go inside directory
$ su
# tar xzvf perl-version.tar.gz
# cd perl-version

now, we configure (with default setting) to confirm with your platform
# ./Configure -de

compile and install
# make && make install

Note that it won't be installed if there is an error

if it is successfully installed, try . .
$ perl -v

output will be the version of newly installed perl. In my case:
This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 1 (v5.12.1) built for i686-linux

Step 2: Installing net-snmp from source
Go to net-snmp page and download source file (.tar.gz) under 'current release'. Same thing, extract the tar file
# tar xzvf net-snmp-version.tar.gz
# cd net-snmp-version

Then, configure using several option (press enter for each prompt)
# ./configure --enable-ipv6 --with-transports="UDP UDPIPv6" --with-libs=-lpthread --with-perl-modules

finally compile and install
# make && make test && make install

remember, if any error occurs installation won't finish

Step 3: snmpd configuration file
Go to snmp directory
# cd /usr/local/share/snmp

Then, we can create snmpd.conf file using this command
# snmpconf

Would you like me to read them in? Their content will be merged with the
output files created by this session.

Valid answer examples: "all", "none","3","1,2,5"

Read in which (default = all): none

next . .

I can create the following types of configuration files for you.
Select the file type you wish to create:
(you can create more than one as you run this program)

1: snmpd.conf
2: snmptrapd.conf
3: snmp.conf

Other options: quit

Select File: 1

Lastly, type 'finished' and 'quit'. You will get output like this
The following files were created:


Now, edit this file and replace with all content posted here
# gedit snmpd.conf

and add this line after this line '# source community'

com2sec6 local ::1 public


save the file and close.

Now, Run snmpd first just on udp with IPv6 on port 161 (as root)
# snmpd udp6:161

Then, try snmpwalk (You should have IPv6 configured)
# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public 'ipv6:[::1]' IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex

Output will be somehow like this
IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex. = INTEGER: 3
IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex. = INTEGER: 1

If you got this, so i think it works ;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where is my installed Wireshark?

So this is what happen this morning where we installed wireshark on my Fedora 12 PC. It is successfully installed but executable file doesn't appear anywhere.

To install:
yum install wireshark

What you have to do is just further install:
yum install wireshark-gnome

Bye2 :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Net-SNMP Tutorial

Just followed good tutorial to configure Net-SNMP >> click here

Anyway, I experienced error while 'make' where  I got this error >>/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl

I find the solution here

First, locate libperl.


(or similar)

Create soft link;
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Make sure the link is in the /usr/lib **same directory with the link point. 
That's all. Thank you.

**Credit to

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Playing your favorite radio station using Octoshape -- Linux (Little addition)

Okeh, I forgot to mention-- Uninstalling Octoshape.

In case your Octoshape doesnt work, or have any problem, or just you hate it, u want to remove it from your machine. Easy easy...

Just uninstall it from your machine. How to uninstall? Easy easy... -- Delete octoshape folder.

That is all.

If you want it back, re-install and enjoy. That's all. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Playing your favorite radio station using Octoshape -- Linux

2) Open terminal, go to the path you download the plugin . Then, 

3) $ chmod +x octosetup-linux_i386.bin

4)  $ ./octosetup-linux_i386.bin

5) Go through the license agreement by clicking enter or space and reply yes when being prompted.

Do you agree to these license terms? [yes|no]
Archive:  octoshape.installer.6085
  inflating: octoshape/eula.rtf     
  inflating: octoshape/eula.txt     
  inflating: octoshape/OctoshapeClient 
  inflating: octoshape/setup.xml    
 extracting: octoshape/sua-1002170-0-confirmed.txt 
 extracting: octoshape/ 
 extracting: octoshape/sua-1002170-0-marker.txt 
  inflating: octoshape/sua-1002170-0-module.xml 
  inflating: octoshape/sua-1002170-0-OctoshapeClientSUA 
 extracting: octoshape/sua-1002170-0-OctoshapeClientSUA.sig 
  inflating: octoshape/sua-1002170-0-suapack-versions.txt 
Go to octoshape and execute ./OctoshapeClient

Done installing.

6) You can play the radio at this point. But Octoshape default player is using MPlayer. You can either get MPlayer installed or, change default radio player by editing setup.xml (in octoshape folder)

$ gedit setup.xml
I am using rhythmbox, so I add this option.
Add -- PlayerExec="rhythmbox $url"



For FLY FM listener:
$ ./OctoshapeClient -url:mpb.flyfm.mp3.high

For HOT FM listener:
$ ./OctoshapeClient -url:mpb.hotfm.mp3.high

The player you chose will automatically started and playing your favorite radio station. ENJOY, cheers.